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We're excited to participate in Fund-a-Thon 2024! Fund-a-Thon is an annual, collective fundraising event for abortion funds and providers that runs from March 4th through May 31st. 


Sponsored by the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), it's an opportunity for us to raise money for abortion access, combat stigma, and celebrate our collective power! 


This year, Preterm will celebrate its 50th anniversary during Fund-a-Thon. Our goal is $50,000 - which will be matched by NNAF. And we hope you'll celebrate this milestone with us! 


Sign up to start a fundraising team, join an already established team, or just donate. Make sure to let your network know you're supporting Preterm, and lets support abortion access together!

Support Preterm

Together, we can ensure the bright futures we all deserve, with access to abortion and sexual healthcare, without judgment or shame.



Preterm is a proud member of Greater Cleveland Community Shares, a workplace giving program for social justice organizations. If your workplace participates in Community Shares, you can designate your gift to Preterm! Find out more on the Community Shares website.

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