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Rapid HIV Testing Near Chagrin Falls Ohio

Rapid HIV Testing Near Chagrin Falls Ohio

The only way to know your HIV status is to get tested. Preterm can help you keep you and your partner healthy with our rapid HIV testing. The CDC recommends everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once. An individual who has consistent unprotected sex, a sexual partner who is HIV positive, has contacted an STI within the past six months or shared injection equipment should be tested more often. Preterm can help with any testing with our rapid HIV testing.

Using Preterm’s rapid HIV testing, an individual can expect health care provider or lab technician to take a sample of either your blood with a finger prick or oral fluid. The individual who uses our rapid HIV testing can expect the results within 30 minutes or less. Rapid HIV testing can be done anonymously and are always confidential. You can trust Preterm’s rapid HIV testing to keep you and your results safe.

If an individual receives a negative result with our rapid HIV testing that doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have HIV. Due to the window period, which is the time between when a person may have been exposed to HIV and when a rapid HIV testing service is performed. Using another rapid HIV testing again after the window period, without possible HIV exposure, and the result is negative, you do not have HIV. If an individual receives a positive result with our rapid HIV testing, it is important that you start medical care and begin HIV treatment as soon as you are diagnosed. Our healthcare providers will be with you every step of the way.

We know it can be hard to talk about HIV results with a healthcare provider. Our staff is always respectful and nonjudgmental. We will always respect your privacy and confidentiality with all rapid HIV testing. We will help you get the rapid HIV testing and treatment you need. If you think rapid HIV testing might be right for you, or if you have more questions, call Preterm to schedule an appointment at 216-991-4000.

©2023 Preterm

Preterm is a 501(c)(3)

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12000 Shaker Boulevard

Cleveland, OH 44120


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Preterm is a licensed ambulatory surgery facility and independent, nonprofit abortion clinic. We do not receive government funding.

 For nearly 50 years, Preterm has been an innovative healthcare leader, providing essential abortion and reproductive healthcare. We take pride in keeping high-quality healthcare accessible to every body, regardless of income. We also advocate in protection of every person's right to determine whether or when to become a parent.

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